Sports Massage
What is a Sports Massage?
Sports massage is fairly self explanatory from a birds eye view. It involves several different techniques that help you perform better at the sports you participate in.
Here at Total Muscle Therapy, your massage session will be designed around your sport, to get you recovered faster! Your massage therapist assess your body and talk to you about any nagging injuries that impede performance and put together a plan designated to your body’s needs.

What Do I Expect at Total Muscle Therapy?
When you come into Total Muscle Therapy, we use a wide range of techniques to help you perform your best. Here are some of the techniques you might experience while being worked on by one of our therapists:
- Assessment of your body’s needs
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Trigger Point Massage
- Cupping Therapy
- Graston Technique, Gua Sha or Muscle Scraping
- Marc Pro
- IASTM (Instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation) in which the massage therapist will use special tools to massage the soft-tissue muscles.
During your sessions, our therapists may use any combination of these techniques they see fit to help keep your body performing at the highest level. Many of these can be used while putting the muscle through its full range of motion to ensure that the muscle moves in the way that it is intended to.
If you constantly need to perform your best, or if you are trying to get to the next level in your sport of choice, Total Muscle Therapy can help make sure your recovery isn’t standing in the way. Give us a call today!
How to Schedule
If you want to schedule your sports massage click on the link below to schedule your appointment. We can’t wait to see you in!